Bob Wilson - Behind the Network : My Autobiography

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€14,79 –20 %
Bob Wilson - Behind the Network : My Autobiography
€14,79 –20 % €11,83
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Bob Wilson's intriguing and candid autobiography makes for fascinating reading. He spent 39 years at Arsenal, as player then as the first goalkeeping coach in the first division. Following his retirement as a footballer, a career in TV beckoned, making Bob Wilson a household name. His days as a sports commentator and presenter at the BBC and subsequent switch to ITV are reflected upon, as well as his account of the Grobbelaar trial and his relationships with some of the most popular names in sport and TV, including Des Lynam, Jimmy Hill and David Seaman. He also has affectionate memories of Jill Dando and Helen Rollason, and tells the moving story of his daughter's illness and legacy.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 336
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2004-08-02
Rozmery 196x122x26
Hmotnosť 300g
Typ Paperback

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Biografie, životopisy, osudy
Hmotnosť: 0.3 kg
Autor: Wilson Bob
Autor: Wilson Bob

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