Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 2

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€13,20 –20 %
Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 2
€13,20 –20 % €10,56
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Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 2 is a comprehensive reader designed especialy for beginning and intermediate students of English as a Second Language. The book was developed and tested by full-time teachers of English. There are twelve stories accompanied by comprehension, vocabulary, speaking and writing exercises. The stories are short (400-500 words). Each story and its exercises can be completed in 60 minutes. A young woman is looking for her diamond ring. She can't find it. Then she remembers meeting a homeless man. Did he take her ring and disappeared? A pack of trained wolf-like creatures are chasing a man in the forest. The man is trying to cross the border illegally. Suddenly they stop and refuse to attack him. Why? It's a mystery since they have never let anybody pass before. There are thousands and thousands of Turkish soldiers around King John's castle. They want to starve people out and overtake the castle. The king asks a witch who is in prison for help. Will she help him? A mountain climber finds an egg on the edge of a volcano. He takes it home. He wants to find out what is inside. It might be better for him not to know! And many more … This book is for everybody who wants to improve their English. It's fun to learn English by reading interesting stories.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 78
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2014-08-14
Rozmery 227x150x5
Hmotnosť 140g
Typ Paperback

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Kategória: Jazyky, vzdelanie
Hmotnosť: 0.14 kg
Autor: Bread Johnny
Autor: Bread Johnny

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