Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 6

Kód: 0643661
€13,20 –20 %
Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 6
€13,20 –20 % €10,56
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Easy Reading for ESL Students - Book 6 is a comprehensive reader designed especially for intermediate and advanced students of English as a Second Language. The book was developed and tested by full-time teachers of English. There are three detective stories accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises after each chapter. The chapters are short (1500 - 2000 words). Each chapter and its exercises can be completed in 45 minutes. Two kids that are completely different get together by pure chance. They find themselves searching for a treasure that is hidden in the hills in "the eye of an elephant." They could never imagine what they discover. A Texas woman sees ghostlike apparitions in her bedroom during the night. At first, she thinks she is going crazy. She hires a woman detective who uses her sixth sense to solve mysteries. And the hunt for those who want to hurt her client begins. A troubled man plays a game of cat and mouse with the FBI. He threatens them with bomb attacks. He sends them hints where to find the bombs. The FBI hires an extraordinary detective to help them. She has to solve the puzzles before people get killed. Can she do it? This book is for everybody who wants to improve their English. It's fun to learn English by reading interesting stories.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 95
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2021-10-25
Rozmery 227x150x6
Hmotnosť 140g
Typ Paperback

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Kategória: Jazyky, vzdelanie
Hmotnosť: 0.14 kg
Autor: Bread Johnny
Autor: Bread Johnny

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