Family and Friends 2 - Class Book

Kód: 9780194812184
€12,20 –20 %
Family and Friends 2 - Class Book
€12,20 –20 % €9,76
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Podrobný popis

Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output. Plus - the amazing package of integrated print and digital resources suits all teaching situations and learner types, supporting students, teachers, and parents.

+ CD   Rok vydania: 2009  ISBN: 9780194812184  Rozmer: 216×273 mm  
Počet strán: 112  Väzba: brožovaná  Jazyk: angličtina
Vydal: Oxford University Press   Kategória: učebnice - jazyky

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