HAPPY TOBY-Toby Has a Party

Kód: 0385044
Značka: Happy Toby
€19,96 –20 %
HAPPY TOBY-Toby Has a Party
€19,96 –20 % €15,97
Skladom (1 ks)

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Online podpora 8:00 - 16:00
Online podpora 8:00 - 16:00
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HAPPY TOBY children's picture book series about a happy childhood is a remarkably illustrated piece of art in form of a cute created landscape formatted book for each story. HAPPY TOBY - Toby Has a Party is the second book from the series and it's about the importance of the good - neighborhood relations. Toby and his neighborhood friend Marty decided to surprise their parents with a barbecue party. It is easy to say but hard to do. The two boys are working hard on every detail of the event. Grill cleaning, hand-made decorations, small tent, colorful lights. For all guests plate and seat, cold drinks and grilled meat. You will see how they succeed.HAPPY TOBY - Toby Has a Party and all the book from HAPPY TOBY series will teach children that happiness, love, and friendship are among the things money can't buy. There is no supermarket where you can buy a pound of happiness, a gallon of pure love, or a big bag of friendship. Happiness is created by us. Making others happy makes us happy. It's a simple formula of happiness. Thanks to simple rhymed text and charming illustrations the Happy Toby's picture stories will inspire children at an early age and in an entertaining and humorous way to build the right relationships with their parents, siblings, grandparents, neighbors, classmates, teammates, as well as nature.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 32
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2015-11-06
Rozmery 309x230x10
Hmotnosť 520g
Typ Knihy viazané

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Beletria (do 10 rokov)
Hmotnosť: 0.52 kg
Autor: Krivicka Jozef
Autor: Krivicka Jozef

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