Help Me! : One Woman´s Quest to Find Out

Kód: 0608784
Značka: PanMacmillan
€19,74 –20 %
Help Me! : One Woman´s Quest to Find Out
€19,74 –20 % €15,79
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Marianne Power was stuck in a rut. Then one day she wondered: could self-help books help her find the elusive perfect life? She decided to test one book a month for a year, following their advice to the letter. What would happen if she followed the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Really felt The Power of Now? Could life be transformed? Because she honestly did want all the things these books promised. To find a Love that Lasts and to unearth The Secret to making your dreams come true. What begins as a clever experiment becomes an achingly poignant story. Because self-help can change your life - but not necessarily for the better . . . Help Me is a hysterically funny and incredibly moving book about a wild and ultimately redemptive journey that will resonate with anyone who's ever dreamed of finding happiness.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 365
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2018-09-06
Rozmery 234x153x29
Hmotnosť 508g
Typ Paperback

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Kategória: Angličtina (tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
Hmotnosť: 0.51 kg
Autor: Power Marianne
Autor: Power Marianne

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