Moon Over Soho

Kód: 0372031
Značka: Orion
€16,45 –20 %
Moon Over Soho
€16,45 –20 % €13,16
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eter Grant is not just a lowly Detective Constable, he's also apprenticed to the last wizard in Britain: policing will never be the same again! I was my dad's vinyl-wallah: I changed his records while he lounged around drinking tea, and that's how I know my Argo from my Tempo. And it's why, when Dr Walid called me to the morgue to listen to a corpse, I recognised the tune it was playing. Something violently supernatural had happened to the victim, strong enough to leave its imprint like a wax cylinder recording. Cyrus Wilkinson, part-time jazz saxophonist and full-time accountant, had apparently dropped dead of a heart attack just after finishing a gig in a Soho jazz club. He wasn't the first. No one was going to let me exhume corpses to see if they were playing my tune, so it was back to old-fashioned legwork, starting in Soho, the heart of the scene. I didn't trust the lovely Simone, Cyrus' ex-lover, professional jazz kitten and as inviting as a Rubens' portrait, but I needed her help: there were monsters stalking Soho, creatures feeding off that special gift that separates the great musician from someone who can raise a decent tune. What they take is beauty. What they leave behind is sickness, failure and broken lives.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 384
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2015-10-10
Rozmery 198x128x24
Hmotnosť 263g
Typ Paperback

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Kategória: Angličtina (tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
Hmotnosť: 0.26 kg
Autor: Aaronovitch Ben
Autor: Aaronovitch Ben

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