Projekt Deutsch Neu 2 - Lehrbuch

Kód: 9780199124305
Skladom (5 ks)

Autor: A. Brien, S. Brien, A. Dobson

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Podrobný popis

Although retaining many original features, the new edition of Projekt Deutsch features lots of changes making it thoroughly up-to-date. It is still the ideal course for those taking German as a first foreign language and this second edition offers: new references to the euro; and full incorporation of the Neue Rechtschreibung so students learn the new spellings from the start.



Rok vydania: 2003  ISBN: 9780199124305  Rozmer: 220×300 mm  
Počet strán: 112  Väzba: brožovaná  Jazyk: nemčina
Vydal: Oxford University Press    Kategória: učebnice - jazyky

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