The Great Return

Kód: 0600216
€30 –20 %
The Great Return
€30 –20 % €24
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Podrobný popis

In the beginning of the 21st century, Europe opened its borders to the countries from behind the Iron Curtain. Since then, over 100 million citizens, including Slovaks gained the freedom to move West without a visa. Now, a decade after the East-West exodus, our pioneers are returning home. Telling the stories of international Slovaks who left, learned and returned, 58 voices including government, business and society share their views on the transformation of a nation. The 59th voice is that of the author, who reveals a personal tale of loss, lessons and reconnection through a rite of passage shared by millions of people across the planet. Time-travellers to culture-shifters, Slovakia’s lost daughters and sons come home, proving that return is not just a possibility, but an opportunity.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 286
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2018-06-01
Rozmery 305x210x25
Hmotnosť 1637g
Typ Knihy viazané

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Biografie, životopisy, osudy
Hmotnosť: 1.64 kg
Autor: Palovic Zuzana
Autor: Palovic Zuzana

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