The Love I Have Lost

Kód: 0645202
Značka: PRO
€16 –20 %
The Love I Have Lost
€16 –20 % €12,80
Skladom (1 ks)

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Podrobný popis

This is a story of a family affected by the atrocities of war. But also a story about the belonging, bravery and courage of ordinary people who selflessly help others in hard times. Despite depicting the frenzy of war, the message of the book is positiv, with images of life before and after the war filled with love and compassion. The book is enriched with many photographs and documents.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 184
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2022-03-31
Rozmery 246x175x22
Hmotnosť 507g
Typ Knihy viazané

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Biografie, životopisy, osudy
Hmotnosť: 0.51 kg
Autor: Frühwaldová Alica

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