The Queen’s Gambit

Kód: 0663093
Značka: Orion Books
€12,95 –20 %
The Queen’s Gambit
€12,95 –20 % €10,36
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When she is sent to an orphanage at the age of eight, Beth Harmon soon discovers two ways to escape her surroundings, albeit fleetingly: playing chess and taking the little green pills given to her and the other children to keep them subdued. Before long, it becomes apparent that hers is a prodigious talent, and as she progresses to the top of the US chess rankings she is able to forge a new life for herself. But she can never quite overcome her urge to self-destruct. For Beth, there's more at stake than merely winning and losing.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 256
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2020-10-29
Rozmery 197x129x20
Hmotnosť 230g
Typ Paperback

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Svetová súčasná
Hmotnosť: 0.23 kg
Autor: Tevis Walter S.

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