The Second Sex

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The Second Sex
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Simone de Beauvoir famously wrote, 'One is not born, but rather becomes, woman'. In this groundbreaking work of feminism she examines the limits of female freedom and explodes our deeply ingrained beliefs about femininity. Liberation, she argues, entails challenging traditional perceptions of the social relationship between the sexes and, crucially, in achieving economic independence. Drawing on sociology, anthropology and biology, The Second Sex is as important and relevant today as when it was first published in 1949.
Číslo vydania 1
Jazyky anglický
Počet strán 822
Dátum uvedenia titulu 2015-03-05
Rozmery 198x111x50
Hmotnosť 620g
Typ Paperback

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Kategória: Právo, sociológia
Hmotnosť: 0.62 kg
Autor: de Beauvoir Simone

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